
Showing posts from November, 2014

20 Tried and Tested Tips for Menstrual Pain Relief

Menstrual pain , also known as dysmenorrhea, affects many individuals during their monthly cycle. It can range from mild discomfort to debilitating cramps, disrupting daily activities and causing significant distress. While it's a common occurrence, there are various ways to alleviate menstrual pain and improve overall well-being during this time. Here are 20 tips to help you find relief from menstrual discomfort:

10 signs that she’s really in love with you

There are ways to tell if a woman loves you by the way she moves, the way she speaks, and other actions she takes even when she is not with you. When it comes to love, and particularly women, men can experience difficulties in deciding if a woman loves them or not. There are ways to tell if a woman loves you by the way she moves, the way she speaks, and other actions she takes even when she is not with you. If you are in a new relationship, and don’t know how to interpret the signals you’re getting from the woman you are dating, here are ten signs she lovesyou: 1. You notice a change in her appearance When it comes to a woman who are in love, you will notice a sudden makeover in the way she looks. Her makeup, hairstyle, clothes and accessories will change as she will do anything to try and impress you. 2. She shows genuine concern for you When a woman falls in love, she will worry about you and won’t be able to stay away if she notices you’re having troubles. Sh...

24 Things To Do Before You Meet Your Future Wife

“If I could just find ‘the one,’ I would get married, and all my problems would disappear.” Every heard that one? Getting married isn’t two halves making a whole, it’s two whole people building a whole new life together. Be whole. Don’t think of marriage as a solution for your problems. Start here. 1. Know yourself Take yourself on dates. I know, this sounds l ame, but give it a try. Get to know yourself. If you don’t know yourself, how can you let someone else get to know you? 2. Dig deeper in what you believe – and keep digging Have a better understanding of what it is you believe or who it is you believe in. If you aren’t sure what you believe, begin digging. 3.  Go on a real date Guys, ask her out face-to-face or over the phone (after you have asked her for her number). Buy her flowers, pay for the meal, and treat her like the lady she is. After the date walk her to her door and say “goodnight”. Call her the next day to ask her out again, or be honest wit...

7 Signs Your Girl Best Friend Likes You

I’ve been going out with this guy for almost a year. And we’re fine. We have the usual fun, the normal problems, the crazy days and the dreamy dates—all that plus my least liked added ingredient: The girl best friend. I’m never really fond of girl best friends, even with my ex. But despite my disinterest of their existence, I can pretty much say that I can live with them. In fact, I’m a girl best friend of one too. But this one, I’m just not sure if it’s something I can live with. I’ve been telling this guy how it’s so obvious that his friend likes him, but he said I’m just over-analyzing things and I’m lying to myself to create my own problem. And his being in-denial makes me sick. So if you’re a guy and you have a girl best friend, let me now list you the obvious signs that your girl best friend likes you. 1. She can’t take hearing stories about you going out with someone. We all like our friends to find their own significant others, or people who would ...

After 18 Years Of Childlessness, Couple Blessed With Quadruplet

Mrs. Clara Dominique, has been barren for 18 years, but strongly believed that God's time is the best, thus she endured all the tribulations that came her way with immense love and support of her husband. Her faith yielded good fruits and she was delivered of quadruplets on Saturday, 22 November in Benin, Edo State. The quadruplets, three girls and a boy, were delivered at the Graceland Medical Centre. Clara, 44 was overjoyed saying that it was the grace of God that kept her and her husband together despite not having a child. She said: “I am happy that my husband and I were able to stay together till this day to witness the blessings of the Lord. My husband has been encouraging me that God would do it for us. My husband never contemplated driving me away.” “I was happy when the scan s...

World's Best Love Story

True Love   This story may or may not effect your mind, but will certainly going to effect your heart.   He was a software engineer, worked in a MNC. He had many friends in his office, but not as much special as his female colleague was to him. The girl was his best friend. They worked together in a team. They were the best buddies for each other, sharing every moment in their life with each other. She was so good, so caring, so understanding that could not prevent the boy in felling in love with her.   Now days passed by, his affection for her grew. He loved her not because of her looks, but because of her inner purity, bcause of her caring and sweet nature.   Days passed by and now he want to not to be too late to tell her what he feels actually about her. One day she recognized from his demeanour that may be her best friend is...

This must be the wedding of the year,a Nigerian bride’s fairytale wedding comes true at Oriental Hotel Victoria Island Lagos

This is definitely the most beautiful wedding that I have ever seen in Nigeria, the purple themed design went beautifully with the occasion all thanks to Angelasfantasycreations . Now I am extremely jealous, the bride was proud to announce the morning of the event on her instagram ” The day is finally here! I am marrying my best friend, my lover, my soulmate, my boo, my brother, my confidant, my Prince Charming, my better half, my everything. I love you so much Abdul~Azeez 💋 and I can’t wait to officially be your wife! Love you forever Boo 💋! #weddingday 💃” Congratulations Mrs Adejoke Ogedengbe,she has been planning this day for almost forever! See pictures   Wedding knife VIP area First dance Wedding convoy Bridal train Muslim bride The bride's cinderella shoes The bride “With money you make dreams come alive “