A response to Damien Bohler’s beautiful article, 5 Ways to Make a Man Feel Really Loved . I saw a funny thing today on Facebook which said, “Men: If you ever wanna know what a woman’s mind feels like, imagine a browser with 2,857 tabs open. All. The. Time.” And while that crazy tendency to think, imagine, create, obsess, worry over a thousand things all at the same time can be true at many times of any given day in my own life, women are, I believe, actually quite simple to please at heart. Ultimately, like Damien points out in the introduction to his own post, each of us are just another human being “wanting to know that I am safe, that I am appreciated and loved for who I am.” I’ve still got plenty to learn myself on this tricky but magical but challenging but thrilling path of forging and maintaining relationships, but here’s what I’ve treasured most from the times I’ve been so fortunate to love and be loved. 1. Get Naked with Me Not just in the literal se...