
Showing posts from August, 2014

20 Tried and Tested Tips for Menstrual Pain Relief

Menstrual pain , also known as dysmenorrhea, affects many individuals during their monthly cycle. It can range from mild discomfort to debilitating cramps, disrupting daily activities and causing significant distress. While it's a common occurrence, there are various ways to alleviate menstrual pain and improve overall well-being during this time. Here are 20 tips to help you find relief from menstrual discomfort:

10 Reasons Why Girls Should Propose a Guy

  Love is a pure and sacred feeling. It connects people with unbreakable threads. Being able to love someone and to be loved is a gift of god. Love being a symbol of purity can exist between any two people, be it a mother and a child, two friends or even a boy and a girl. It is a feeling which is voluntary therefore it cannot be imposed upon anyone. It happens on its own. Therefore when you love someone all you have to do is say it with an open heart and don’t fear the response. But what happens in today’s society is that boys are seen to take an initiative most of the time. And this often happens in the case of love that is when it comes to proposal. If you think hard over it doesn’t it seem to be a little unfair? Yes, it does because if you are in love with a guy you should express your feelings just at that moment rather than waiting for him to approach you. In spite of it girls usually keep mum and sit and wait fo...

Top 10 Advantages of Early Marriages

    Hello virginology fans I will like to show you the top 10 advantages of early marriages. Getting married early is beneficial in a lot of ways. It is effective in terms of letting two individuals have sufficient room for improvement to become a successful husband or wife, as well as they can enjoy better sexual relations. It is true that marriage is one of the most important and major decisions of our lives so every one of us remains conscious of selecting the right partner so that the life after marriage can be led happily and successfully. If there are some disadvantages of early marriages then definitely its advantages are what we can not ignore. If you are unfamiliar with the advantages of early marriages and want to have an idea then here comes the list of top 10 advantages of early marriages. 10. Enough Time to Learn Practical Things: The girls, when get married at the age group of 15-17 can have enough time to learn d...

Facts about infertility in Women

                                         Alternative Names : Barren; Inability to conceive; Unable to get pregnant  Infertility is the inability of a couple to become pregnant after 12 months of unprotected intercourse. Primary infertility is the term used to describe a couple that has never been able to conceive a pregnancy, after at least 1 year of unprotected intercourse. Secondary infertility describes couples who have previously been pregnant at least once, but have not been able to achieve another pregnancy. Causes of infertility include a wide range of physical as well as emotional factors. Approximately 30 - 40% of all infertility is due to a "male" factor such as retrograde ejaculation , impotence , hormone deficiency, environmental pollutant...

25 Examples of Body Language

They say a picture paints a thousand words – and the same can certainly be said for gestures. We all subconsciously give away hints as to our true feelings, through our movements and gestures. This is a list of 25 examples of body language. Gestures 1 – 5 Gesture: Brisk, erect walk Meaning: Confidence Gesture: Standing with hands on hips Meaning: Readiness, aggression Gesture: Sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly Meaning: Boredom Gesture: Sitting, legs apart Meaning: Open, relaxed Gesture: Arms crossed on chest Meaning: Defensiveness Gestures 6 – 10 Gesture: Walking with hands in pockets, shoulders hunched Meaning: Dejection Gesture: Hand to cheek Meaning: Evaluation, thinking Gesture: Touching, slightly rubbing nose Meaning: Rejection, doubt, lying Gesture: Rubbing the eye Meaning: Doubt, disbelief Gesture: Hands clasped behind back Meaning: Anger, frustration, apprehension Gestures 11 – 15 Ge...

10 Amazing Stories Of Love That Will Break Your Heart

Movies constantly bombard us with unrealistic expectations of love. Real life, meanwhile, tells us that most relationships are poor, nasty, brutish, and short. But there’s no need to feel depressed about romance. Read on to restore your faith in love. 10 Love Despite The Distance When Irina and Woodford McClellan got married, they never imagined it would be another 11 years until they could be together. In the early 1970s, Irina was living in Moscow working for the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. It was there that she met an American professor named Woodford McClellan. Irina and Woodford fell in love and married two years later in May 1974. Only a short while later, in August, Woodford’s visa expired and he had to leave the Soviet Union and return home. Woodford tried to visit his wife in Moscow but was repeatedly denied entry. In turn, Irina was denied permission to leave the country, without explanation. The two newlyweds marked t...

The Power of Love

Love is as critical for your mind and body as oxygen. It's not negotiable. The more connected you are, the healthier you will be both physically and emotionally. The less connected you are, the more you are at risk. It is also true that the less love you have, the more depression you are likely to experience in your life. Love is probably the best antidepressant there is because one of the most common sources of depression is feeling unloved. Most depressed people don't love themselves and they do not feel loved by others. They also are very self-focused, making them less attractive to others and depriving them of opportunities to learn the skills of love. There is a mythology in our culture that love just happens. As a result, the depressed often sit around passively waiting for someone to love them. But love doesn...

How to Choose Friends Wisely

  What are the Important Traits to Look for in a Frien Think you don't get to just choose who you're friends with? Absolutely not. You get just as much say who your friends are as they do. Making friends is one thing, but choosing who your friends are is incredibly important, because your friends are your guides in life as well as the people who help define who you are. In some ways, they are family. There are some friends who are closer to you than others, but who you choose to share important parts of your life with matters. Choose a Friend Who is Honest A friend that is honest is one of the best friends you can have. Trust and honesty are cornerstones in any relationship. Choosing a friend who can tell you how it is will be something you'll appreciate greatly (albeit, you may not always appreciate it in that particular moment, you'll look back on it and appreciate it later...really). An honest friend will keep you from walking out of th...

18 Good Reasons You’re Still Unemployed

“Why am I still unemployed?” This plaintive question is one I’m asked a great deal. I’d like to give a few brief reasons you’re still unemployed. 1. You aren’t networking enough. Almost all jobs these days are found through networking. If you’re applying through job boards, searching the internet, counting on recruiters or responding to want ads…you’re not doing enough. And, as I’ve said elsewhere, your resume is almost useless. 2. You interview poorly. We have interviewed a few people for a job we have open (office assistant). While this is, admittedly, a lower-level position, I’m surprised and shocked at how poorly people interview. Chewing gum, not dressing for the interview, arguing, and saying what you will and won’t do are all interview killers. 3. You’re pierced. Take out those facial piercings! Younger generation workers — this really turns off old farts like me. I won’t hire someone with a facial piercing or visible tattoo. It is unprofessional. 4. You did...

How to Overcome the Death of a Loved One

                    Losing a loved one can be a highly charged and very traumatic time. Though coping with loss can be a deeply personal experience, there are a few basic and universal steps to the bereavement and grief process. Knowing these steps can help you to work through your grief over the loss of a loved one. Step 1: Allow the feelings Coping with the loss of a loved one brings up almost every emotion imaginable. There are times when more than one emotion seems to take hold at once, and you may feel as if you're “going crazy.” It's natural to feel this way, as it's normal to experience a number of different feelings. Gently remind yourself in your time of bereavement and grief that your feelings are yours, and they are well within the norm. It's important to your process to understand that there is no "right" or "wrong" when it comes to your feelings a...