
Showing posts from November, 2015

20 Tried and Tested Tips for Menstrual Pain Relief

Menstrual pain , also known as dysmenorrhea, affects many individuals during their monthly cycle. It can range from mild discomfort to debilitating cramps, disrupting daily activities and causing significant distress. While it's a common occurrence, there are various ways to alleviate menstrual pain and improve overall well-being during this time. Here are 20 tips to help you find relief from menstrual discomfort:

7 reasons why having sex during pregnancy is great for your health

                                  For most women (and some men too) sex and pregnancy don’t go together. This is because right from the start there have been a lot of myths harboured among expectant couples about pregnancy-sex. However, one should know that sex during pregnancy isn’t off-limits and in no way can cause any damage to the baby or the mother. In reality, sex during pregnancy has a host of benefits, here are a few of them. It improves circulation in the body: During pregnancy blood supply in the body almost doubles to meet the requirements of both the mother and the baby. However, a sluggish circulation can hamper the process. Sex helps restore the functioning of the body with the release of certain hormones and ensures proper circulation. This means the fetus recei...

Tell me what it was like when you first met your spouse !

Help me calm the crazy. Here is an open story of  initial connection when a friend of mine  first met her spouse...                                             "I feel like I'm going crazy. I met a guy through online dating and we met up for drinks. Conversation seemed to flow well and we decided to get together again. Three days later we spent the afternoon together doing an outdoor sports activity and getting fresh air. Amazing day, lots of laughs and chatter and he kissed me when we parted ways. Here's the part where I go crazy. That was four days ago. For the past 4 days we have talked on the phone for hours every night, exchanged about 8 million text messages and about 12 billion emails throughout the day. While normally this would seem...

5 Signs A Woman Is Flirting With You

                                1. It’s all in the eyes: Does she have eyes? Bonus bro! Science tells us if a girl makes eye contact with you, she’s down to clown. Is she avoiding eye contact with you? Do you keep staring at her and she’s refusing to meet your gaze? No worries, eventually she’ll have to look up from her drink. She’s just being coy with you player, so keep staring. Is she rolling her eyes while talking about you to a friend? Dude! You’re in! 2. Mona Lisa Smile: She can’t help the curve of her lips when you’re around her. Is she laughing and having a good time? It’s obviously her sexual attraction to you and not the many other things that could be causing her enjoyment. Not smiling? Uh oh! Seems like you’ve got a Sylvia Plath on your hands. Make sure to keep cracking jokes to her, because it’...

8 Girls You Should Never Let Yourself Fall In Love With, For Any Reason

                                           The Girl Who Treats You Like A Brother: She crashes on your couch or in your bed whenever she wants, and is happy to help you navigate the waters of what to wear. She’ll laze through your life as if it is her own, and always mentions that she’s so glad you guys are good friends. (You’ll hear the emphasis on the good , not the friends, and it will make you feel hopeful.) No matter how much you think that all of these are open invites, she’s still going to also ask for your advice when it comes to other guys she’s into. Trying to get on that roster always seems like a pipe dream because the guys she “goes for” are nothing like you. No matter how much you’d like to convince her that dating to type is bad, that’s a path of self...

10 Ways Overcome Conflicts in Relationships and Grow Together

                                                                 “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” About six months into a serious relationship with my boyfriend, we started experiencing major conflict. Fighting over small things, flipping out over misunderstandings, we just couldn’t seem to get on the same page about anything. This caused me to think about relationship conflict in general, what causes it, and how to deal with it. It’s clear that relationship conflict occurs because expectations aren’t being met. Each person comes into a relationship with certain expectations. These are based on past experiences...

The Top 100 Qualities Of My Perfect Woman

                                                Believe it or not, at one point or another in my life all of these have been a very real problem in some of my past relationships. I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry about it now that I see it written out into such a long list! I’m going to print this out and hang it somewhere I’ll see it often to serve as a constant reminder of what I deserve in life from now on!  The search for the my perfect woman has begun! My Perfect Woman… 1. will not cheat on me. 2. will have the same sense of “clean” as I do. 3. will never put others down to make herself feel better. 4. will treat everyone with respect, including herself. 5. will have a job and/or money of her own. 6. will not nag incessantly....

Having a Baby | Stages of Pregnancy

Having a baby and feeling a new life developing inside is an amazing, life-changing experience for pregnant women, even though they may not always feel their best along the way. Pregnancy can be different from woman to woman, and even for the same mother from one pregnancy to the next. Some pregnancy symptoms last for several weeks or months, while other discomforts are temporary or don't affect every woman who is expecting. "Pregnancy is a long, 10-month journey," said Dr. Draion Burch, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Magee-Womens Hospital at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.  A normal pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks, counting from the first day of a woman's last menstrual period, which is typically about two weeks before conception occurs. The stages of pregnancy are typically described in three-month periods known a...

Coping with Infertility in Your Marriage

News of infertility can be devastating, not only to you as an individual, but also to your spouse. You are suddenly faced with the challenge of creating a family together. Infertility can put a strain on your marriage; however, it can also provide an opportunity to connect with your spouse on a different level and strengthen your bond with one another. The following provides some tips for keeping your marriage strong as you cope with the difficulties of infertility. Allow time for grieving. You may be experiencing hopelessness and depression as a result of this traumatic event. Little things like children playing in the park or driving by the same toy store every day can serve as a reminder. It’s OK to take some time to grieve in order to overcome this stumbling block. Recognize that your partner may not grieve in the same way and may have different needs to overcome hurdles of infertility. Support your partner. Regard...

Keep it jealously for your husband !

                                             Doest it still matter to be a virgin as a woman of God? Is it still a big deal  to your future husband if you’re not a virgin anymore? If you’re not a virgin anymore, are you considered a sinner and should you be shameful about it? Long long time ago, losing a virginity of a woman is like a disgrace, even Joseph (biological father of Jesus) thought of divorcing Mary because she’s conceiving without having a sexual contact with him. Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.-Matthew 1:19 A woman would really regret losing her virginity especially when she gave it to the wrong person, she might be...