20 Tried and Tested Tips for Menstrual Pain Relief

Menstrual pain , also known as dysmenorrhea, affects many individuals during their monthly cycle. It can range from mild discomfort to debilitating cramps, disrupting daily activities and causing significant distress. While it's a common occurrence, there are various ways to alleviate menstrual pain and improve overall well-being during this time. Here are 20 tips to help you find relief from menstrual discomfort:

My mother, my world !


At the terminus of the stars, where horoscope is settled 

The dullards with the apron of nemesis by their sides. 

The pundits with challenges stationed on their ways.

Akimbo, the paupers stand with poverty attached to their hemstitch.

Aside seated the well-offs

Awaiting the next available vehicles faring to the mysterious world

‘We’ve waited for so long

Longed daily to see the light of a new dawn on earth. 

Be it luck or doom, we’re ready for

its aftermath’.

But behold, who’s this as tall as young palm tree beckoning to me? 

Whence comes this restive being with a pretty and caring arms waving to the sky?

I must move closer to appease my eyes.

‘Here comes the vehicles long awaited.

Have a jump into it!

Dallying with this opportunity may be detrimental’.

But how can I enter the vehicle untagged.

I’ve been fed so much of the depravity and mal audacity of the inhabitants of the destined city where the vehicle terminus is located.

‘Never mind, it’s afore settled’.

‘Though the drivers will at least tend the star carriers by adding uncompromising worth and condiments of fortunes to the destined bowls of the star carriers.

By this, life will be meaningful’.

I’ can’t incur this, the pre-thought hunts my mind.

I don’t like scolding my mind after all. 

‘I never know if I could ask, by the way the appellation of these awesome and incomparable star drivers, restive to convey the star carriers?’

‘The driver’s names abound

They answer when they’re called devils-in-disguise.

Some show remorse when they are called ‘Cooks’.

Many of them cheerfully answer ‘woman’.

Few do answer ‘mother’.

Instantly, I alighted from the vehicle

Before I could constrict and dilate my eyes

Inside the vehicle of my mother I found myself.

For how long will I remain inside this dark cage

When there’s pretty life outside to live. 

Voila! A whispering to my hearing

‘Only for nine months’.

It’s enough for human beings then to have patience Incognizance this dark cage

Where I am not pleased to stay but just have to be.

Where the food I detest comes into my system

With no action command able to stop it.

Where I am made to stand de facto

When I felt like sitting.

Where my foes and friends push around me

But without any strength to keep them off.

It’s a beautiful dawn!

Good morning to life.

Heaven of thanks to the driver

My own special driver

Sorry, I’ve asked and I’ve been told her name

My mother, who drove me for an imperturbable nine months.

It is not just so easy but avoidable. 

Planet of thanks to you especially for many opened ways you got 

To terminate and avoid my journey of which your friends did for a lack─ unaware of its sequel.

Nap is enjoyable with tantalizing dreams when I am on your back. 

Sickness has lost its threat on me when I have you around me to share the pain. 

Hunger and thirst can’t disdain me because I have you to scare them away. 

At every suck of your divine milk coming out from your appeasing pear

I stare at you and mutter, ‘I can never forget you’.

When cold clench its fist on me

I snuggle to you and you swathe me with your best rag. 

You croon to my hearing, the lullaby taken with dolce

Just at the very time I need it.

Life is not meaningful without you. 

Because of your daily whispering of hope to my ears

I know that the future is secured.

And with these, I am lulled to sleep.

At the very time for me to be educated

The tide I need to acquire the skills that boost out potentiality. You incur debts just to pay my school fees. 

Breaking God’s commandment just for me to live.

Hiding away and staying longer in a rented apartment to shelter me. 

Concocting lies is never a hard-to-think action. 

You never meant to teach me lie as a subject 

But the situation warranted it to appear first on the time table of life.

Many mal-pseudonyms from the creditors have become the emblems you carry around. 

With a blouse and two wrappers

You know smile to me, ‘life will be meaningful’. 

All the best attires in your old trousseau you sold.

You never mind selling the sparkling jewellery your parents meticulously adorned you with during your marriage. 

All these you passionately did just to protect my stars for tomorrow’s luster.

Now I know that the rich and wealthy people take pleasure in lending out money 

Lending out to their people for funeral and other mishaps.

Nevertheless will the well-to-do lend out a dime for you

To fasten your shoelace

And be pacy to run well, the life race to catch success in life. ‘Sorry, you could have come yesterday when I’ve not used the money

Such is their utterance. 

You never compromise to strive just for me to thrive in life. Peddling in hot sun, never water your sanguine spirit. 

Despite the unconcern of my sire to satiate the family. 

Despite the constant nagging of my sire. 

Upon his persistent pointing out of your peccadilloes. 

Upon his disgusting attitudes. 

You’ve never by mistake, affronted. 

No wonder your gentility paves way in every thorny bush of life for you. 

I could remember that day when you were just returning from peddling 

Peddling in hot sun.

From who knows where, echoed a provocating voice to your hearing

Just like that eavesdropped from the fearful forest of a vicious god

‘get some fire woods and prepare me food to quench my wild hunger’

Swiftly said by my sire. 

Quickly you tipped your load a head down and massaged your wearied face with dead grimace. 

But never negated his cross words. 

Blowing wind out from your bony cheek is a daily practice

Just to make aglow the stubborn fire woods that are indignant

To boil yam for the fastidious family god.

These are never boredoms to you

Your shoulders never come down to furnish my daily provisions. 

Right from outside, a shrill voice I heard.

‘The last straw has finally broken the Carmel’s back. 

How? When? But……. Why? 

Questions yet answered

At the time of your infirmity

The stern black bishop laid it cold hands on my sire. 

When the curtain covering the family’s shame is about to tear With your feeble arms you picked up needles and amended it Just for my stars to be more shinning.

After the consolation of the family 

Pending the unsalvaged predicament 

When the shedding of crocodile’s tear by the devils-in-disguise has ended. 

The family’s well offs welled up their faces with tears and blurter encouraging words 

Words that can soothe sea monsters from cap siding schooners. At the back of your ears you dumped the basket of their care. You never compromised the best you could make feasible with your fortnight hands. 

Where can I go?

What would I become that will erase the weals of your labour from my witnessed face?  

Be it very far side of the world I go

I will never halt dancing to the rhythm of the fainting music the drops of your tear played me. 

I will never forget to appraise the unfading hope

Tuned to my hearing via the acapella of your appeasing lullaby.


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