Take out those facial piercings! Younger generation workers — this
really turns off old farts like me. I won’t hire someone with a facial
piercing or visible tattoo. It is unprofessional.
Don’t go in with one of those “stubble beards.” Either actually have a
beard or be clean-shaven. The people who are probably making the hiring
decision really, really hate the three day stubble beards that are the
norm among younger men.
Look, there is a “great reset” going on. Salaries are lower these
days. We interviewed one person for a $30K job who had been making $70K.
Frankly, we’re not going to hire someone with that huge of a salary
gap. It isn’t the problem of employers you have lived beyond your means.
Everyone is tight these days. Don’t go asking for a large salary and
tons of perks. You might well have to bite the bullet and take much less
to get off of the unemployment rolls.
6. You’re very overqualified.
Realistically, I’m not going to hire someone with 10+ years of
experience with a great deal of responsibility in their last job for an
entry-level job. Entry-level jobs will be filled by entry-level people.
All you do when you apply for these things is annoy the employer. I know
you might be desperate. But it is better to consult or start your own
business, than to apply for entry-level jobs. When I see someone with
extensive experience applying for an intern job, I’m not even going to
interview them. I know that they’ll be gone in a heartbeat if something
in their field comes along, and that they won’t stay and grow with my
company. I also know they’re going to second guess me, not be coachable
and generally be a pain in the neck. Don’t bother to apply for these
7. You’re “shotgun” applying.
I made the mistake of running an ad on one of the major job boards
one time. BIG mistake. Everyone and their sibling applied, even with 0%
of the qualifications. The rule of thumb is — if you don’t have at least
60% of the qualifications called for, don’t apply. You’re wasting your
8. You smoke.
Many of us won’t hire smokers. The smell on their clothes drives off
customers. They get sick more often. They take excessive breaks. And,
frankly, it’s a filthy and disgusting habit. Quit and quit now. Your
career future, not to mention your life and your health, may depend on
9. Your job title has disappeared (or is endangered).
You’re probably not going to find much in real-estate or housing now.
And while Defense is currently a good industry, it is going to be cut
by the current Congress, though I suspect there will always be a market
for things that kill and maim. But many job titles and industries have
disappeared. Some jobs are being done by robots. Others are being done
by people already in the company. It might be time to go back to school
or change industries.
10. Your attitude stinks.
You might be coming across as having an arrogant or generally bad
attitude. If someone is not upbeat and positive, I will rapidly end the
11. You’re depressed.
Many people who have been laid off and can’t find work in a hurry
need anti-depressants. Get on them if you need them. Just be careful
which ones you use.
Some depression is normal during a time when you’ve lost your job.
But if you’re always in a dark mood, crying, unmotivated and not
sleeping, see your family doctor at once.
12. You’re angry.
Your anger is not hurting the “jerks” who fired you or laid you off.
It is, however, killing you physically and killing your career. Get over
it. Realistically, if you were fired, you most likely deserved it. If
you were laid off, it was nothing personal…just a business decision.
Deal with your anger before interviewing.
13. You didn’t follow the directions in the posting.
In our last job posting, we asked for a brief statement with a resume
telling us why, after looking at our website, the candidate would like
to work for us. Only two people even came close to following the
directions! Do what you’re asked to do in the job posting or by the
hiring authority. If you’re not going to do what your potential boss
asks you to, you’re not going to do what he or she asks you to when
you’re employed, now, are you?
14. You missed an important piece of the interviewing process.
We asked a candidate we liked to come to one of our events and meet
our clients. She wrote us an e-mail and said she couldn’t make it, but
wanted to continue to the next phase of interviewing. Well, that was the
next phase of interviewing! This woman had posted she had been
unemployed for two years. No wonder.
15. Ya yack too much!
More extroverts talk themselves out of jobs than into them. Shut the blank up, for crying out loud!
16. You’re evasive.
If you’re asked a question, answer it. Don’t beat around the bush,
and don’t give stupid canned answers. A clear example of this is the
number of people who say, when asked about a weakness,
“I guess I’m just too much of a self-motivated, self-starter who is too hard on himself.” Stupid answer.
17. You can’t communicate.
Don’t make the interviewer crowbar information out of you. If you
can’t communicate well, you won’t get employed. If you do happen, by
some miracle, to get employed, you won’t last long.
18. You’re unprepared.
I’ll be very clear. If you go up against one of my highly prepared
candidates, you’re going to lose and lose big. Don’t be cheap! Hire
someone to help you with interviewing, networking and finding the hidden
jobs. If you’re an executive in Denver Metro, talk to us about hiring
us. If you’re elsewhere, find a good, honest career coach. But be
While some people are long-term unemployed for no reason, we can
usually see a reason when someone can’t seem to find a job. Those who
have a great attitude and have been able to overcome depression, anger
and unrealistic expectations, will usually land in a hurry. Good luck!
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