It’s almost impossible to escape the desire to find our soulmates
when rom-coms are flooding our television screens, adorable couples are
taking over our Instagram pages and most of our friends are getting
engaged or married.
When we step back and see couples around us experiencing the “head
over heels” type of love, we realize how much being alone really sucks.
And, because of this, we start to
settle for way less than what we deserve.
It’s become such a problem that we often forget what it means to have
found our one true love — the person we should be spending the rest of
our lives with.
Your one true love will affect your life in more ways than just
putting a smile on your face or giving you butterflies. Here are the
reasons why:
1. He’ll support you.
No matter how big your dreams may be or how crazy your cravings are
at 2 am, he understands and supports it, even if he may not get it.
When you’re up all hours of the night cramming for an exam or trying
to meet a work deadline, he’ll be right by your side, cheering you on,
making your third pot of coffee and rubbing your back when you need a
5-minute break.
2. He really listens to you.
When you’re venting about how much your mother is annoying you or how your best friend has betrayed you, he hears you.
Even though you may not think so, he’s all ears at the moment, and
he’ll prove that he’s been paying attention all along later down the
Your person will never forget what you say, when you say it and how you say it.
3. He builds with you, not for you.
He will never say, “You wouldn’t have this if it weren’t for me” because he works with you, as a team.
Together, you build for your futures, not separately. He only wants what is best for you because it’s what is best for him, too.
4. You trust him, and vice versa.
You know you’ve found your person when a guys’ or girls’ night out is no big deal.
When he tells you he’s having a night on the town, you don’t freak
out and stalk his friends’ Snapchats and Instagrams for clues.
Instead, it’s just a perk for you to veg out and finish bingeing the new series you just started.
5. You don’t always have to be doing something.
Not every day has to be jam-packed with plans. When you’re with your person, even the chill days are magical.
From the minute you wake up, you know it’ll be an adventure because nothing can ever be boring with him by your side.
6. He never puts you down.
We, women, don’t always feel our best. Some days we feel bloated, and other days we feel like failures. We
all have our days.
Your person will never let you feel like that for more than a minute
because he will be there to lift your confidence and spirit right back
He’ll make sure you know you’re the most special in a room full of people because he will always have his eyes on you.
7. He knows how you take your coffee.
Personally, coffee is the key to happiness. Whether it’s your coffee,
your eggs or your alcohol, your person knows just how to make it and
how to make it right.
My person always knows I need my large black iced coffee.
8. No matter how long you go without seeing each other, things never change.
Life gets busy, and jobs, school, families and responsibilities always seem to drown us.
There will be weeks you just can’t see your person, but when you do, it’s never awkward or uncomfortable.
You two find any way to text or call while you can, and when you do
see each other in person, it feels even better than the last.
9. But, you miss him immensely when he’s gone.
When you’re swamped and just can’t find any free time in your
schedule, your person will never make you feel guilty about neglect.
Instead, he’ll find ways to see you because he just misses you that much.
My boyfriend always Skypes me when I’m swamped with work just so he can “see my face.” Your person will always make it happen.
10. Any news that happens — good or bad — you reach to call him first.
When you nail your interview, lose a family member or find a really good sale, your person is the first one you call.
He’s the one who helped you with the hard decisions, the difficult
emotions and the things you just can’t figure out on your own.
He always gives the best advice, and he always knows what to say.
11. You want to share everything you experience with him.
When you try a new restaurant or see a preview for a really great
movie, you know your person is the one you want by your side to enjoy it
It doesn’t take even a millisecond for you to make the decision; your gut just knows. The first one you think of is
your person.
12. Your happiness means his happiness.
If he’s unhappy, you’re unhappy. If you’re unhappy, he’s unhappy.
Your person will do anything to make your day because it makes
his day, and vice versa.
You two are attached by the soul, so whatever you feel, he feels.
13. You’re always honest with each other.
If that dress isn’t super flattering on you or those pants are just a
little too tight, your person won’t tell you so to offend you.
He’ll tell you because he wants you to be the best version of yourself.
He’ll tell you who your sh*tty friends are on the spot, why you
should quit your job and admit he finished the Doritos you were looking
forward to eating since 11 am.
14. There are no boundaries in your love.
If you can’t fart in front of him, he’s not your person.
15. Your fights never last more than a few minutes.
When you fight, you can’t help but crack a smile in the middle because your person just makes you
that happy.
16. They’re not really fights; they’re more so just heated arguments.
You and your person don’t fight and there are never any blowouts
because you two are so concerned with your lives together. You would
never want to compromise that for a second.
17. He doesn’t put up with your family because he actually loves them.
Your person takes the time out to really get to know your family because he wants to become a part of it.
He doesn’t put up with your nagging mother, your crazy sister or your
overbearing father because he gets to know each of them on a deeper
He knows being a part of your life means being a part of your family.
18. No problem is too big for you to solve together.
Two heads are better than one, and when you and your person get
together, there is nothing you can’t do. Even if it means putting
together an entire Ikea furniture set in one day (thanks Mel), you know
how to get the job done together.
19. The little things are what matter most to both of you.
You know it’s your person when he notices the little things others just
He makes the most of every moment you spend together, he finds the
sunshine in all of the storms, and he remembers all the small details
along the way.
20. You weren’t looking for him; it just kind of happened.
When you go out looking for something, chances are it’ll never happen.
Your person just came to you, like you two were from the same star and were destined to find each other.
No matter how old you are, you’ll always find your person.
21. You don’t only think of him as your lover and your best friend.
Your person may know exactly how to turn you on, but he knows exactly
how to make you laugh, too. He’s a part-time lover and a full-time
22. All of your most cherished memories are with him.
When you think back on your life, your favorite moments are always with him by your side.
The best part is you’ll have thousands of pictures to remember them, too.
23. He lifts you higher.
There’s a saying that goes, “Let go of anything that weighs you down.”
When you look at your life, your person will be the one constant that
will always lift you higher, make you the best version of yourself and
hold your hand down the road to success.
24. You get each others’ quirks.
The snorts, the nail biting, the lip picking and the eye squinting: He just gets it.
Your bad habits and weird quirks are not weird or bad in his eyes. They’re just what makes you
25. You wouldn’t be the same without him.
When you meet your person, your life changes. You don’t change
because your person would never want to change you. Instead, your
outlook on life shifts.
You start to see brighter colors and feel stronger emotions. You look
back on the past years without him and think, “Holy sh*t, how did I
ever live without him?”
Please, feel free to highlight other signs you know in the comment box below....
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