
Showing posts from December, 2015

20 Tried and Tested Tips for Menstrual Pain Relief

Menstrual pain , also known as dysmenorrhea, affects many individuals during their monthly cycle. It can range from mild discomfort to debilitating cramps, disrupting daily activities and causing significant distress. While it's a common occurrence, there are various ways to alleviate menstrual pain and improve overall well-being during this time. Here are 20 tips to help you find relief from menstrual discomfort:

20 Little Ways To Make Your Marriage Even Stronger

                                  You want to be with the love of your life forever, and he with you, so always make your marriage a top priority (as in every day!). Here are some easy and fun ways to keep improving an already awesome partnership. Even if you're not married yet, you can start practicing these tips to enjoy your relationship even more throughout the wedding-planning process. Grooms and husbands, hold onto this list as well — these rules apply to you, too! 1. Eat healthfully. A 2012 British study from the University of Warwick found that people who consume more fruits and vegetables experience higher levels of mental well-being. Include these foods in your diet and you'll have increased...

The Top 10 Ways For A Boy To Win A Girl's Heart

For the typical college guy, girls can seem like human versions of a Rubix cube -- a puzzle that, at times, may feel unsolvable, but understanding how to keep a girl happy is easier than ever thanks to this simple survival guide. There are 10 things you can do that will make a girl smile no matter what. We absolutely love it when you… 1. Smell good. No girl wants to date a guy smelling like last night’s party, am I right? Studies have shown that women ranked a man’s scent as the most important feature for determining whether she would be sexually interested in him, so do yourself a favor guys: shower, shave, and add some deodorant and cologne. Avoid the cheap stuff, and don’t drown yourself in whatever you choose, you only need enough to draw us in. Once we are close enough, we won’t be able to resist. 2. Play with her hair. It can’t be explained, but it is the most magical feeling in the world. All I can say here is please do. 3. Bring her food and/or cook for ...

9 things you should never tell your spouse

Long-time, happily married couples sometimes need to watch what they say and how they say it !                             . At the same time they also need to watch how they respond to what their significant other has to say. Just because you're extremely comfortable with someone doesn't mean you never have to watch your mouth. "Communication is tricky. We all hear words differently (and filtered through our experiences, which are certainly different from our partner's) and we all want to be communicated with in a style we understand," Life coach Jean Grossman said. "I also believe that 'the tune makes the music.' If what we are saying is said in a kind or loving way it feels differently than when spoken in anger or retribution," she said. So what are some things you should never say to your dearly beloved? After speakin...

11 Things Your Wife Won’t Tell You...great facts you must know !

 Hi people...I got this article from a blogger friend and it actually worth it goes.... "We walked out of our wedding reception holding hands as the crowd was cheering for us. Our  car was decorated with balloons and streamers – so much that we could barely get inside. The back window said “JUST MARRIED” and I felt like I was floating in the car with my big wedding dress taking up 90% of the seat. My new husband got into the car, looked at me and said, “WE DID IT!…. Now let’s get out of here!” It was just the two of us. Me and him. A MARRIED couple. It was so surreal. A few days past and we were flipping through our guest book from our reception. It was full of great advice on how to have a successful and happy marriage. One note said, “Don’t fight. And if you’re going to fight – fight naked.” Another note said, “Forgive and forget.” A few said, “Never forget how you feel TODAY.” And the last one s...

5 Ways Growing Up in a Broken Home Screws Your Love Life

I've talked before about the oddball habits one picks up coming from a broken home and how they can spank life's ass pretty hard (not in the fun way). What a lot of people don't realize is that these aren't just annoying quirks that we learn to navigate around. They are relationship time bombs, and when they go off, they explode-fuck everyone who dares to be in our personal sphere at that moment. It's hard for a "normal" person to understand that when you come from this sort of environment ... #5. Confrontation Is a Battle                          Jupiterimages/ Images You Either Use What You've Learned ... In most of the screwed-up relationships I've seen and been a part of, the pivotal person in the circle jerk tends to be an extremely dominating, hyper aggressive figure. For me, that was my dad. People who have lived through it can te...

Staying HIV Free

                                               1.  How is HIV spread? HIV is spread through blood-to-blood contact or sexual contact with an infected person. There are three basic ways in which HIV can be transmitted: Sharing needles and syringes with someone who has the virus Having sex - vaginal, anal, oral - with someone infected with HIV A baby's exposure to his or her infected mother during pregnancy, birth, or through breast-feeding. Prior to testing for HIV in 1985, some people became infected with HIV through receiving blood transfusions, blood components or blood clotting factors, or transplants of infected organs. Since 1985, testing has improved greatly, and this type of transmission is very low. There are four basic body fluids that contain enough HIV to infect someone: Semen Vaginal Fluids Blood...

Symptoms and Signs of Menopause

                                                    Premature Menopause -- Symptoms In addition to dealing with hot flashes, mood swings, and other symptoms that accompany menopause, many women undergoing premature menopause have to cope with additional physical and emotional concerns. Premature Menopause -- Causes Premature menopause is menopause that happens before the age of 40 — whether it is natural or induced. Women who enter menopause early get symptoms similar to those of natural menopause, like hot flashes, emotional problems, vaginal dryness, and decreased sex drive. Your Guide to Menopause Menopause is the end of a woman's menstrual cycle and fertility. It happens when the ovaries no longer make estrogen and...