20 Tried and Tested Tips for Menstrual Pain Relief

Menstrual pain , also known as dysmenorrhea, affects many individuals during their monthly cycle. It can range from mild discomfort to debilitating cramps, disrupting daily activities and causing significant distress. While it's a common occurrence, there are various ways to alleviate menstrual pain and improve overall well-being during this time. Here are 20 tips to help you find relief from menstrual discomfort:

11 Things Your Wife Won’t Tell You...great facts you must know !

 Hi people...I got this article from a blogger friend and it actually worth reading....here it goes....
"We walked out of our wedding reception holding hands as the crowd was cheering for us. Our  car was decorated with balloons and streamers – so much that we could barely get inside. The back window said “JUST MARRIED” and I felt like I was floating in the car with my big wedding dress taking up 90% of the seat. My new husband got into the car, looked at me and said, “WE DID IT!…. Now let’s get out of here!”

It was just the two of us. Me and him. A MARRIED couple. It was so surreal.
A few days past and we were flipping through our guest book from our reception. It was full of great advice on how to have a successful and happy marriage. One note said, “Don’t fight. And if you’re going to fight – fight naked.” Another note said, “Forgive and forget.” A few said, “Never forget how you feel TODAY.” And the last one said, “Keep no
Keep no secrets.
I always knew honesty and communication were two of the most important keys to a happy and successful marriage – so I made it a goal that day to tell my husband everything. When something funny happens, he is the first one I text. When I hear exciting news or gossip, he is the first one I call. When I need advice or to make a decision, he is the first one I ask for help. And always in my mind I think of the great advice we were given on our wedding day to, “keep no secrets.”
As the years have gone by, I have realized that there are a few things that women don’t tell men. It’s just the way we are. When we are upset – we say “we’re fine.” and when we are sad – we say “it’s okay.” So gentlemen, today we are going to keep no secrets and tell you a few things your wife probably hasn’t told you.

1. SHE LOVES YOU, EVEN WHEN SHE DOESN’T LIKE YOU: There are those days when you drive her absolutely crazy – those days where you are getting at her every nerve and she doesn’t exactly want to be around you – But she still loves you. There are going to be those moments where you say something wrong or don’t react exactly how she wanted you to – But she still loves you. There are those times where you may have not noticed she got her hair done, you forget to compliment her on her new dress or failed to recognize all of her handwork she accomplished around the house – but she still loves you.
2. SHE KNOWS SHE ISN’T PERFECT: She wants to be the best for you – but it’s hard to be perfect. She makes mistakes and gets confused, but she hopes to be everything you need. She may not have gotten everything done she wanted to, because the baby just wouldn’t cooperate today. And she may not have dinner on the table tonight, because time just went too fast. But she is trying. And she is doing her best – for you.
3. SHE FEELS A LITTLE JEALOUS: She’s jealous of your x’s. She’s jealous of your co-workers. She’s jealous of her friends. And she may even be jealous of your friends. Maybe jealous isn’t the right word, but she feels the need to be the more beautiful thing you have ever laid your eyes on even no matter how many years you have been together. Want to make her day? Tell her she’s beautiful and mean it. It’ll mean the world to her.
4. SHE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS FOR THAT SPECIAL OCCASION: You know that time she told you she needed to go buy her friend a gift for her birthday? She may or may not have walked out of the store with something for herself and completely forgot about the gift for her friend.Sometimes she finds the perfect dress that she knows she would look amazing in. If you catch her hints she drops near birthdays or Christmas you may just be able to buy her that perfect gift that if it were up to her, she would have purchased on the spot.
5. SHE WOULD HAVE RATHER GONE TO HER FAVORITE RESTAURANT: Marriage is about compromise – so that time she went to that boy movie for you? She would have rather gone to a chick flick. That Mexican restaurant she took you to? She would have rather gone to Chinese. But she loves you and wants you to be happy – so she gave a little, with hopes she will get a little.
6. THE SEXIEST THING YOU CAN DO – IS THE DISHES: To come home to a clean house might be the best thing you could ever do for her. Need I say more than this picture?
7. SHE REALLY DOES CARE ABOUT ANNIVERSARIES, BIRTHDAYS AND HOLIDAYS: She may have said, “Oh, I don’t care if we don’t do anything to celebrate.” But really – she is hoping you will surprise her with flowers. She is hoping you have a romantic date planned. Anniversaries, birthdays and holidays are the perfect time to show your love – and she will gladly accept.
8. SOMETIMES SHE IS JUST REALLY, TRULY, TIRED: A wife’s day is busy – and exhausting – and sometimes she is tired. Just tired. Just because she doesn’t want to talk that much or make out, doesn’t mean she is upset with you. She could just be really, truly, ready to hit the hay.
9. SHE WANTS TO BE BEAUTIFUL FOR YOU: In her eyes, her body isn’t perfect, but she wants to be that beautiful girl you got down on one knee and proposed to. With children and age, her body has changed and will continue to – and she hopes you will love her just the same. She wants to hear she is beautiful both inside and out. Remember how you told her how beautiful she was before you got married? Keep the flame alive by letting her know she’s just as beautiful now as she was then.
10. THE LITTLE THINGS DO MATTER: They always say, “don’t sweat the small things” – but in marriage those little things are what matters. She wants a kiss hello and a hug goodbye. She wants a simple text saying you love her. She wants a date night and she wants you to make her laugh. Try to put the toilet seat down when your done, so she doesn’t fall in when it is her turn. Try to put the toilet paper roll on, just the way she likes. And try to be home when you say you will be home. It’s the little things that make the big things.
11. ABOVE ALL, SHE WANTS TO BE LOVED: She hopes you will be hers forever – just as she promises to be yours forever.
PLEASE – keep no secrets. 

                                 Don’t forget to share this with your man!


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