20 Tried and Tested Tips for Menstrual Pain Relief

Menstrual pain , also known as dysmenorrhea, affects many individuals during their monthly cycle. It can range from mild discomfort to debilitating cramps, disrupting daily activities and causing significant distress. While it's a common occurrence, there are various ways to alleviate menstrual pain and improve overall well-being during this time. Here are 20 tips to help you find relief from menstrual discomfort:

The Top 10 Ways For A Boy To Win A Girl's Heart

For the typical college guy, girls can seem like human versions of a Rubix cube -- a puzzle that, at times, may feel unsolvable, but understanding how to keep a girl happy is easier than ever thanks to this simple survival guide. There are 10 things you can do that will make a girl smile no matter what. We absolutely love it when you…
1. Smell good.

No girl wants to date a guy smelling like last night’s party, am I right? Studies have shown that women ranked a man’s scent as the most important feature for
determining whether she would be sexually interested in him, so do yourself a favor guys: shower, shave, and add some deodorant and cologne. Avoid the cheap stuff, and don’t drown yourself in whatever you choose, you only need enough to draw us in. Once we are close enough, we won’t be able to resist.
2. Play with her hair.

It can’t be explained, but it is the most magical feeling in the world. All I can say here is please do.
3. Bring her food and/or cook for her.

Food is the way to a girl’s heart and though we don’t generally admit it, we love to eat. So take us to dinner or at the very least, pick up a pizza or some of our favorite treats. On top of that, there is something sexy about a guy who can cook, so even if you can’t make us a four-course meal, either turn on the grill or teach yourself how to make something simple, like spaghetti.
4. Let her wear your jacket or sweatshirt.

Don’t make her keep commenting about how chilly it is outside or how cold she is. Trust me, she is not interested in making small talk about the weather. Just hand it over.
5. Take charge and plan a date.

Ask her if she's free, tell her you’re doing something and what the dress code is, and that you will pick her up at 7 p.m.. It doesn’t have to be anything big or anything expensive -- just make an effort and give her something to look forward to all week.
6. Give her presents.

Girls love surprises and gifts. It can be something small like a cute note you leave on her pillow or a bag of her favorite candy to a piece of jewelry. Let her know you care and that you know what she likes, and above all, that you want to make her smile.
7. Shut up and kiss her.

As much as we love to talk to you, sometimes you just need to go for it. Don’t wait for the perfect moment or the exact cue from her -- it’s probably not going to happen. She’s been with you for hours and listened to all your stories -- that’s the best cue you’re going to get. So take a deep breath, lean in, close your eyes, and just kiss her.
8. Hold the door for her.

This is a simple one. Chivalry really isn’t dead, and we are fully aware of it.
Not all girls are the same, but most of us appreciate a classy guy. Besides, you get to check out your girl from behind as she walks through anyway, so it’s a win-win situation, right?
9. Dress up sometimes.

There is nothing sexier than a well-dressed guy. Sweatpants are cozy, but not sexy, and for the love of God, get rid of that old, stained hoodie. Take 10 minutes in the morning. It makes a world of difference and practically guarantees you will not go home alone at the end of the night.
10. Be complimentary.

Even the most confident girls really like knowing that you think we’re pretty or that we look good in that dress. It’s a small, simple thing, but it really brightens our day, and sometimes we just need to hear it.
And if you really want to keep a girl happy...
11. Never, ever tell her to "Calm down."

Seriously, don’t do it. It’s like committing suicide. There may possibly be no phrase in the world that will set a girl off quicker than “just calm down.” She’s not crazy, she’s just mad, so if you don’t want to end the night in the doghouse, I highly recommend you avoid this phrase at all costs.
Obviously, every girl varies and we all have our own preferences, but stick to this survival guide and you will be a step ahead of everyone else.


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